Parley AIR Station Hawaiʻi
Bishop Museum hosts the Parley AIR Station Hawaiʻi, a collaborative community hub for ocean learning dedicated to inspiring and empowering a new generation of ocean ambassadors.
Past Exhibit
Parley AIR Station hours
Open Wednesday through Sunday
10AM – 4PM
All Ages
Gallery Lawn
Composed of modular container systems, this educational space is set up for guests to interact, learn, access new technologies, and take action for the oceans. Join us as you discover your own role in the movement #fortheoceans.
The Parley AIR Station hosts hands-on learning sessions, activities, talks, and workshops led by Parley and partner organizations in Hawaiʻi, from Wednesday through Sunday, twice a day: 11am – 12pm and 2pm – 3pm. Reserve your session here.
Sign up on the Parley AIR Station Hawaiʻi page to be invited to special challenges and events.
Three-lined Nudibranch
Flabellina trilineata
© Susan Middleton
Parley AIR Station Hawaiʻi Programs
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