Fish Of Hawai‘i
Fish of Hawai‘i Podcast
Play the audio files below as you click on each image to learn more.
He moʻolelo no Halaʻea, ke aliʻi anunu o Kaʻū, na Kapalikū M. i haʻi hou, na i hoʻolako ʻia ai i nā kani ʻē aʻe.
A story of Halaʻea, the greedy chief of Kaʻū, narrated by Kapalikū M., additional sounds provided by
Scheming Weasel (slower version) Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Fish Of Hawai‘i Coloring Activity
Color and show us what your favorite poke and where you like to enjoy it!

The History of Poke in Hawai‘i
The Pacific Ocean is a diverse ecosystem filled with a wide variety of sea life. Fish, shellfish, and other marine invertebrates are major proteins for the people of the Pacific. Among the most commonly eaten are fish like ʻahi, ʻanae, ʻōpelu, invertebrates like heʻe (octopus), ʻōpae (shrimp), ula (lobster), pāpaʻi (crab), and ʻopihi (limpets).

Native Use of Fish in Hawai'i Podcast
From “Native Use of Fish in Hawaii” Margaret Titcomb with the collaboration of MARY KAWENA PUKUI
“The second story is of Kamehameha I. According to this unrecorded tale from Mrs. Pukui, he made an agreement with a man of Kahuku (in the district of Kaʻu, island of Hawaii) that “for one calabash of poi, one fish,” and the man understood that he would get one calabash of fish. He went to the uplands, filled his calabash with poi, and came to Kamehameha, who gave him not one calabash of fish but one fish, and that a little one. Unabashed, the Kahuku man tied his one small fish to his carrying pole and went off home. All the way along his road people laughed at his one little fish dangling from his carrying pole. Our hero came again to Kamehameha with his calabash, the contents neatly covered with fresh ti leaves. He approached in the humble manner of a subject of the great king, crawling up to his presence, and he set the calabash before him. Kamehameha lifted up the ti leaves and beheld not a calabash of poi but one taro within. (Taro is the vegetable from which poi is made.) The king took the play in good part and laughed loud and long and said that they would have no more one-sided bargains. This little story is the foundation of calling the locality where the man lived Kahuku-kau-ʻao-ʻao (one-sided Kahuku).”

Butterfly Fish
There are many species of fish that live in the waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands. Some are native, some are non-native, and some are endemic, which means they are found nowhere else in the world! In the following Blog post and activities, you will learn more about a very special fish that was discovered by a scientist at the Bishop Museum, along with an experiment on why fish do not float or sink!
Discovery of a New Species
Learn about the discovery of a new species of butterflyfish in this video with Dr. Richard Pyle of the Bishop Museum!
Butterfly Fish in the Science Adventure Center
Check out this short clip of one of the butterflyfish that Dr. Pyle discovered that you can actually see live in our Science Adventure Center.

Prognathodes basabei Coloring Page
A fun coloring sheet that highlights the new species of fish that you can see on display in our Science Adventure Center!

Just Keep Swimming
Ever wonder why fish don’t just sink to the bottom of the ocean or float at the surface? Learn about the swim bladder and how it works in fish with this fun and interactive activity!
Starline & Maui Fishhook
See how to find Maui’s Fishhook, Manaiakalani in the sky this month along with the starline Kaiwikuamo’o.
Be a Part of Our Story
Celebrate the extraordinary history, culture, and environment of Hawaiʻi and the Pacific with a gift to Bishop Museum. As a partner in the Museum’s work, you can help to sustain vital collections, research, and knowledge, and inspire exploration and discovery with a tax-deductible donation.